Z ICF je prišlo obvestilo, da je tekma v Penrithu – prvenstvo Oceanije umaknjena iz koledarja svetovnega pokala. V letu 2012 torej šteje le 5 tekem (Cardiff, Pau, Seu d”Urgell, Praga, Bratislava). Obrazložitev je v nadaljevanju (v angleškem jeziku).
Updates to the 2012 ICF calendarThere have been a few changes to the 2012 calendar for both the World Cup Series and the ICF Ranking Series.Oceania Championships as part of the World Cup Series; The Technical committee, after receiving both formal and informal feedback about this decision from some federations and also, on their behalf, from the ECA President , acknowledge the contradiction with the ICF procedure and especially the CSL Rule 44.1.3 (the World Cup Series calendar should approved by the ICF Board of Directors and be posted 2 years ahead of the events). Consequently the Oceania Championships has been removed form the World Cup Series and the 2012 ICF World Cup programme is now as posted on the ICF CSL calendar. See attached updated World Cup Series information.The following race has been added to the ICF ranking Series;2012 ICF Canoe Slalom Ranking Markkleeberg, Markkleeberg, GER – 30 March – 1 April. For information regarding this race please contact Christoph Kirsten at office@slalomevents.de.The ICF Canoe Slalom calendar is available at http://www.canoeicf.com/icf/Aboutoursport/Canoe-Slalom/Canoe-Slalom-Events.html